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Fixed EULA Compliant Donator Perks
Started by Zxyr

Here is a list of ideas for donator perks that would be compliant with Mojang's EULA. Feel free to add any additional ideas in the replies section!

  • /ptime
  • /pweather
  • Pets
  • Chat color
  • Nickname
  • /recipe
  • /skin
  • Hats
  • Disguises
  • /skull unabridged (any skin works)
  • Particles
  • Cosmetic item kits (based on skulls, colored leather armor, etc)
  • Donator houses (creative or survival applicable; would just be decorative)
  • /broadcast
  • /setwarp

Donation goals mass perk

(i.e. when enough money is raised everyone, donator or not, gets money in-game or a claimable gift at a warp or something)

The following are not EULA compliant (according to Mojang);

  • /ptime
  • /pweather
  • /recipe
  • /setwarp

 The following may not be EULA compliant, please elaborate on what you mean;

  • Donator houses (creative or survival applicable; would just be decorative)

I'm too sure how I feel about these;

  • /broadcast

That leaves the following ready to implemented (removed already implmented perks);

  • Disguises
  • /skull unabridged (any skin works)
  • Particles
  • Cosmetic item kits (based on skulls, colored leather armor, etc)

/ptime and /pweather are cosmetic as they only show up on that player's screen

They do not influence the whole server / gameplay. Ex. ./ptime night does not cause mobs to spawn if the server time is day

Donator houses would be in a claimed area and would simply be decorative, i.e. you could say you owned the house but you could not gather its materials

I would love to have the particles that are the book shelf one in multicolor, like the one in Wyn-- um you get the idea.

Ultra Cosmetics is very similar to another server. I'm not sure if it can be fixed to work well here?

Custom Particles is also s very good looking canidate. (This one may do the thing I mentioned above.)

@lela_null: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/particle-effects.534/ was the plugin I was going to use, however we do need a donation as I can't afford it right now.

Ultra Cosmetics seems like a very good plugin however, I will look into that.